Vidyavardhini's College Of Engineering & Technology, Vasai Road

विद्यावर्धिनीचे अभियांत्रिकी आणि तंत्रज्ञान महाविद्यालय, वसई रोड

(Approved by AICTE, DTE Maharashtra and Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

NBA & NAAC Accredited

Institution’s Innovation Council

IEEE, the world’s largest technical professional organization, is committed to advancing technology for the betterment of humanity. At IEEE Student Branch VCET (IEEE VCET SB), we are dedicated to empowering students and nurturing essential professional skills such as teamwork, leadership, and managerial abilities. Through a diverse range of events including technical workshops, seminars, and guest lectures by industry experts, we provide students with valuable insights and hands-on experience. Our offerings also encompass software and hardware workshops, as well as training sessions aimed at honing practical skills. Join us at IEEE Student Branch VCET as we journey towards fostering technological innovation and excellence for the betterment of society.


                                                    Attention Tech Enthusiasts! 

Join us at IEEE Student Branch VCET for an exhilarating journey of innovation, collaboration, and professional growth! 

Dive into the world of technology with workshops, seminars, and hands-on sessions led by industry experts. Stay tuned for updates on upcoming events and be part of the movement to shape the future of technology!

#IEEE #StudentBranch #VCET #Innovation #ProfessionalDevelopment #TechnologyForHumanity

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Anveshan :

Anveshan is a product showcase event which is organized by IEEE VCET SB. This event provides an opportunity to students to learn about the technological advancements of products used in industrial organizations. The event is witness to an enthusiastic participation from a wide spectrum of companies which use this platform to display their latest technological innovations, services, and products to effectively illustrate the evolving landscape of industrial technologies.

Anveshan fosters networking opportunities, enabling attendees to connect with businesses and industry professionals. The event aims to provide companies and entrepreneurs a platform to showcase and advertise their newly launched products with the latest technology. The event’s main objective is to enlighten upcoming engineers about recent technologies available in the market. It is a single-day event in which representatives from companies demonstrate their products and train our students regarding the features of their new products. Later, the students explain the latest features of the product to visitors on the day of the event.

VNPS (VCET National Level Project Showcase ) :

VNPS is an event organized by Vidyavardhini’s College of Engineering and Technology (VCET) in association with various departments of different student committees including IEEE, ISA, CSI, IETE, VMEA, ISHRAE and IGBC. The primary objective of this event is to foster a research-oriented culture and promote experiential learning through project-based initiatives. VCET aims to provide a platform for aspiring technical students nationwide to showcase their innovative projects and compete on a national level. It provides a platform for our aspiring technical students to compete with the outstanding projects of students coming from various technical institutes from all over India.  VNPS is VCET’s highly anticipated annual event, providing a platform for students from all departments to showcase their skills and project ideas. It has garnered enthusiastic participation from both VCET and other colleges, fostering competitiveness and learning. It mainly instills a research-oriented mindset and a healthy competitive spirit among the students. It also offers a plethora of learning opportunities to the participants.

Oscillations :

OSCILLATIONS is a technical paper presentation event annually organized by IEEE-SB (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers – Student Branch) and IETE-SF (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers – Student Forum). The primary objective of the event is to give due recognition to the inquisitiveness and creativity of students. It provides a platform for individuals to showcase their research skills, and expertise in their fields. It aims to encourage students to explore and present their innovative ideas and research work in front of a knowledgeable audience. It provides a platform for interdisciplinary interaction and enhances the visibility of students’ innovative ideas. It essentially hones the students’ research acumen and presentation skills to prepare them for publishing and presenting in national and international forums. 

Think Aloud :

THINK ALOUD is an event organized by VCET to promote academic excellence and enhance students’ knowledge and skills through engaging interdisciplinary discussions. It provides an inclusive platform for students to engage in group discussion and openly express their thoughts and opinions in a public and formal setting. Before the event begins, diverse topics are provided to the students to formulate a few key ideas in advance. The event comprises of a traditional group discussion round and an elimination round. The event serves to augment students’ communication and presentation skills. It encourages students to lead, assert, defend and conclude their individual arguments while simultaneously leveraging or amicably contradicting with the opinions of the other students in the group.

Outreach Activity:

STEM workshop is a step towards providing a platform for students to use technology for learning science concepts. As they are the fertile ground from which future technocrats and industry leaders will be nurtured. This workshop also enhances analytical and logical thinking skills in students. They will start noticing how technology and science can go hand in hand. It will also promote their ability to analyze and find out variety of solutions for the same problem.

The workshop is receiving a positive response and acceptance from students as well as teachers.

Expected outcomes from this workshop

  • Fosters ingenuity and creativity.
  • Builds resilience.
  • Encourages experiential learning.
  • Encourages teamwork.
  • Encourages knowledge application
  • Enhances problem  solving ability.

Industrial Visit :

Industrial Visits serve to broaden students’ understanding of classroom concepts and their real-world implementations. It facilitates networking with TIFR researchers and provides insights into future opportunities for research. Overall, this immersive experience adds significant value to the students’ academic journey by strengthening their prospects in engineering and technology.

Seminars/Workshops/Hands-on Training Programs:

VCET organizes various hands-on technical workshops for students like MATLAB, Verilog, Arduino etc. which are useful for training and developing their technical skills. VCET also organizes various seminars and training programs hosted by experienced industry experts on latest technological advancements to update and upgrade students’ technological acumen.


Dr. Sunayana Jadhav

Team :

Position Class Name
Mr. Shikhar Mehta
Vice Chairperson
Omkar Bhikle
Pinanshu Surve
Deputy Secretary
Aditya Biradar
Nilesh Jangid
Deputy Treasurer
Yash Biranje
Managing Head
Sarvesh Sant
Deputy Managing Head
Dhruv Sharma
Committee Coordinator
Achintya Nagar
Deputy Committee Coordinator
Aaditya Bobade
Technical Head
Saurabh Chavan
Deputy Technical Head
Sahil Gorivale
Technical Advisor
Sachin Choudhary
Publicity Head
Aditi Bhat
Deputy Publicity Head
Hemant Jena
Deputy Creative Head
Sanket Das