Vidyavardhini's College Of Engineering & Technology, Vasai Road

विद्यावर्धिनीचे अभियांत्रिकी आणि तंत्रज्ञान महाविद्यालय, वसई रोड

(Approved by AICTE, DTE Maharashtra and Affiliated to University of Mumbai)

NBA & NAAC Accredited

Computer Science and Engineering (Data Science)

The Computer Science & Engineering ( Data Science)Department is established in the year 2019. Having started with a four-year undergraduate program, B. E. (CSE -DS), the department is willing to start the Post Graduate Program, M. E. CSE-DS with specializations, shortly in coming days. Data Science is a field of Scientific theories where Unstructured, Raw data is taken and moulded into meaningful information by means of Programming, Business skills, and Analytics. Many Multinational Companies across the globe are using Digital methods to Rationalize their work and Maintaining their Inventory. This Technological advancement helps in various factors like Cost Saving, Resource Saving, and Time-Saving. The concept of Data science consists of various components or sub building units that help to segregate or segment data using calculus and algorithms, it’s a time-saving process. The data can be either in structured form or unstructured form, the structured form data can be in form of a tabular form or Excel sheets, etc whereas the unstructured form of data can be Images, audios, videos, pdf files, etc DML Data Manipulation Language is used to Manipulate and Extract meaningful data out of junk. Until and unless the Data Scientists don’t have a good knowledge about statistics and Probability, they are not capable of segmenting data, it may lead to the high possibility of misinterpreting data and reaching to the incorrect conclusions. The Data Scientists have to work over the algorithms of Machine learning in day-to-day life. The regression and Classification concepts help the Data scientists to predict the valuable insights from all the Unstructured or structured form of Data available. The concept of Big Data helps to extract the main information out of all the possible raw data available. Like we can separate oil from water. The Data Scientist uses various concepts and skills to extract data like JAVA, R, Apache Spark, Hadoop Etc.
Thus, there are many more components of data science available and every component works on different algorithms.

Skills Required for Data Science career:

Some of the prominent data science roles are listed below :

Data Scientist

A Data Scientist’s primary job role is to extract consumable information from structured and unstructured data with computer programming tools and processes. Their job also includes creating methodology and blueprint to present information to stakeholders. They are also supposed to maintain databases.

Data Analyst

A Data Analyst has the responsibility of analyzing the data, identifying trends, and creating a predictive model based on data studied. Another critical responsibility of a Data Analyst is to translate findings into reports, which can be understood by the management, and help them accurately visualize the possible outcome. They are also supposed to maintain databases and data systems.

Data Engineer

Data Engineers are required to study data, develop data set processes, prepare the predictive model, and build algorithms through which stakeholders can easily consume raw data. It may include developing dashboards and reports that can be accessed and used by all stakeholders. Data Engineers need to have strong communication skills to be able to understand client’s requirements and objectives. Analysts predict that the country will have more than 11 million job openings by 2026. In fact, since 2019, hiring in the data science industry has increased by 46%. Yet, around 93,000 jobs in Data Science were vacant at the end of August 2020 in India.

Data Mining Engineer

The job of a Data Mining Engineer is mainly extracting data from an extensive database and analyzing them. They are also responsible for building and maintaining software and digital infrastructure to study big chunks of data.

Data Architect

Data Architect’s role is to ensure that data used in creating a blueprint of a project is stable, secure, and available to all stakeholders at all times. The job role includes collating, organizing, centralizing, maintaining, and protecting a company or client’s data.

Data Statistician

This job role includes critical responsibilities such as extraction of data using statistical methodologies and analyzing, organizing, and contextualizing data and its subsets. A Data Statistician is supposed to conduct tests to determine the reliability and accuracy of data.

Project Manager

Data mining, extraction, testing, analysis, and application for creating a blueprint is a wide field of work that requires management to optimize the resources being used on a project. A Project Manager’s role is to oversee and guide the execution of the project. They act as a medium between the team and clients to communicate requirements and changes in the project.

Program Outcomes (POs):

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs):

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs):

PSO1- To apply the knowledge of Data science to analyze, design and implement application specific problems with modern AI tools.

PSO2- To Analyze problems and design applications to forecast, predict and decision-making using IoT, Big data analytics, Artificial Intelligent, Machine learning technologies.

Deputy HOD & Asst. Prof.
(Ph.D pursuing)

Asst. Prof.
Asst. Prof.
Asst. Prof.

Asst. Prof.
(Ph.D pursuing)

Asst. Prof.

Asst. Prof.

Asst. Prof.
(Ph.D pursuing)

Asst. Prof.

Asst. Prof.

Asst. Prof.

Syllabus Revised 2019-20 :

Syllabus Revised 2019-20 :

Syllabus Revised 2019-20 :

Honours & Minor Degree Program :